by admin | Aug 31, 2018 | Bubishi, Information, Science, Styles, Training
What is the vagus nerve? The vagus nerve is the longest of your cranial nerves and has numerous nerve fibers spanning from your brain stem to all your organs. The word Vagus, means wanderer, as it is running throughout your body. Basically, it is the...
by admin | Aug 24, 2018 | Beginner, Information, Preparation, Protection, Styles, Training
It's not so clear a question Most Kyusho practitioners I have run into prefer to always learn new targets and especially new tricks. Little gimmicks that they can learn and show to people... but this is not training, it is simply playing Kyusho. Even senior...
by admin | Aug 17, 2018 | Beginner, Business, Information, Styles, Training
Kyusho That is the only difference in Karate Styles Basically, it's all the same... they share blocks, punches and kicks, so the only difference between Karate Styles is it with or without Kyusho. It is the missing ingredient in most modern practices... that...
by admin | Aug 10, 2018 | Beginner, Information, Styles, Training
Kyusho is Real Lets just think about this a bit more before it is dismissed. What if the Old Founders from Funakoshi, Mabuni, Fujita, Oyata, Soken, Itosu, Etc, were correct? What if their notes and documents they wrote, coveted and passed on were real? What if...
by admin | Aug 3, 2018 | Business, Information, People, Styles
1936 meeting of masters - Commemorating the establishment of basic kata of karate do in 1937 Chotoku Kyan - Kentsu Yabu - Como Hanashiro - Chojun Miyagi front from left Shinpan Shiroma - Sinpan Gusukuma - Choryo Maeshiro - Chosin Chibana - Genwa Nakasone back from...
by admin | Jul 27, 2018 | Health, Science, Styles, Training
Wait, here is a great story to back up the reality This video has excerpts from a YouTube interview between Greg Hunter ( and Dr. Dave Janda ( Let's face it most "Traditional"...
by admin | Jul 20, 2018 | Business, Information, People
Way before... Many years ago, 15 - 20... I said that everyone would be teaching Kyusho at some point, yes even those that discredited it. They should as well because people will seek Instructors that know it rather than not. Now there are many out there...
by admin | Jul 13, 2018 | Information, Science
Because of the way the Heart is positioned Paul Robinson Questioned: "Evan, I have a question for you. I'm a Platinum Subscriber. In your bronze body points section you said not to strike certain points on the left side of the body because they affect the...
by admin | Jul 6, 2018 | Bubishi
Hands of Shaolin I get hundreds of questions each week regarding Kyusho in regard to Health and Healing as well as Martial Arts. It has been my career for decades and thoroughly intriguing. Here is one such question recently asked on my You Tube Channel:...
by admin | Jun 29, 2018 | Beginner, Information, Styles, Training
What is the Difference? Atemi (当身) means striking or concussive blows to the body... as opposed to grappling, throwing, felling or joint locking methods. Many Martial Arts styles employ the use of Atemi to help set up the opponent for a trow, lock or...