Kakushiken Pulling KO Intro Class

Kakushiken Pulling KO Intro Class

Kakushiken Pulling KO Intro Class recorded early in the past years as a target to work for the next few years. Be it in research and learning as in this film, or more aggressive application from sparring and or multiple person attacks. We started using this target...
Kakushiken Pull

Kakushiken Pull

Uechi-Ryu's Sanseiru Methods, Targets and Trajectories This is a method that comes out of Uechi-Ryu or Pangainoon Sanseiru Kata. The hand positions are in other Kata and Styles as well in various sections, the action is you parry and dig right in with the...
327 Magnum

327 Magnum

.327 Federal Magnum Kyusho Targets and Trajectories Today we are going into Kyusho Weapon Training, in particular hand to hand with a 6 shot .327 Federal Magnum. I have had this particular handgun for a couple of years and use it as my daily carry piece (EDC)....
Right Between The Eyes

Right Between The Eyes

Biblical Kyusho Part 3 David and Goliath - Samuel 1 - 17 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=I%20Samuel%2017&version=NIV;KJV 34 But David persisted. “I have been taking care of my father’s sheep and goats,” he said. “When a lion or a bear comes to steal a...
Leg Control Targets

Leg Control Targets

Leg Targets for control of the perpetrator. Target #10 : These targets are branches of the Lateral Cutaneous Femoral Nerve. By compressing this nerve against the hipbone you are affecting the somatic nervous system, which controls the voluntary muscle control. These...