Body Control Targets

Body Control Targets

This target is a branch of the L2 Superior Clunial Nerve. Pressing or striking this nerve against the bone will cause paralysis and dysfunction of the lower limbs. This will drop the opponent down straight down as both legs dysfunction, but with a slightly faster...
Head Targets for Tactical Control

Head Targets for Tactical Control

Technical Training Head Targets for control of the perpetrator. This nerve can easily be compressed against the back of the bone for compliance of the perpetrator.  It is a target that has long been known by Law Enforcement agencies around the world. It is the goal to...
Side Naked Choke

Side Naked Choke

For Clinch, Control, Grappling or Ground Fighting We're going to take a look at a person grappling with another and performing a knockout or a dysfunction. It's not a full knockout, but it caused full physical dysfunction and had it been held longer would have caused...

Entry Denied

Chest Entry Hand position for Sanchin or Juji Uke While watching one of the Gracie Brothers teaching films, which I do to gain training ideas, I saw a vulnerability in the lead action. As he was well covered on the entry, once he transitioned into the next action, the...
Hip Dislocation

Hip Dislocation

Hollow of the Thigh - Biblical Kyusho ll - Genesis 32 More Demonstrations The Bible is actually a Battle Manual in that it is the epic Battle of Good vs Evil, God vs. Satan, or Yin and Yang if you will, diametrically opposed forces. It is comprised of war, battles,...