The Wedge

The Wedge

The Wedge is your Hedge This concept of proactive self defense is a keystone of Kyusho principles and workability. As Kyusho seeks to insert kinetic force into an opponent, the act of a purely defensive move of stepping back or to the side, send your energy off in...
Kyusho Learning Curve

Kyusho Learning Curve

It's in your Hands not you're Head So often, people witness Kyusho being demonstrated, taught or practiced and see (or think) how easy it is, but become frustrated when the can not duplicate it quickly. This stops so many from becoming successful and skilled, but it...
Sanseiru Kyusho Entering Course

Sanseiru Kyusho Entering Course

New Seminar Added Entering, Clinch and Tackle Defense Getting past the sparring range and into the fighting grappling and finishing range using the ancient tools of the Bubishi and Sanseiru is the topic for this third in a series courses. The ancient Kata Sanseiru, is...
Neck Scissors

Neck Scissors

Oyata's Passai - Application 19 First a special note that the filming was patched together using other video due to a hard drive issue. The techniques and methods are the same as the original filming, so this has not altered the information. In this application there...
Gut and Head Shot

Gut and Head Shot

Gut and Head Shot Oyata's Passai - Application 18 First a special note that the filming was patched together using other video due to a hard drive issue. The techniques and methods are the same as the original filming, so this has not altered the information. This is...
Fight Ender

Fight Ender

One of the Best Targets in Kyusho What is it, where is it, how do you hit or compress it, what are the affects, what reactions will the opponents have, will it knock them out, will it hurt them, does it work for real, will it work on everybody, is it easy, does it...
Double Blood Pool

Double Blood Pool

Double Blood Pool Attack Oyata's Passai - Application 17 Now we saw this type of an attack in the "Serious as a Heart Attack" video and commentary, however in this application of the same targets, I wanted to help you understand the dynamics of Kyusho, it's...
Staggered Kinetic Force

Staggered Kinetic Force

Self Protection   I realize there are many readers here that do not practice this Kata or any Kata for that matter. However they are libraries of past warriors experiences and profound knowledge of the human anatomy, physiology and functionality. The lessons we can...
Serious as a Heart Attack

Serious as a Heart Attack

Three Atttack Methods Serious as a Heart Attack This attack, or actually 3 concurrent attacks, are all aimed against the heart... maybe also why Passai or Bassai means "Breaking Down the Fortress" (the Fortress being the protective rib structure). Actually it is...
Strike Ears WIth Fists

Strike Ears WIth Fists

The Classic Posture from Tai Chi as well as Passai or Bassai Kata and several other ancient Kata postures. It can also be seen in the Ancient Bubishi in many forms of application which all are designed to quickly disable the opponent. Defensive Use-case - Offensive...