Medical Research

Hey Doc... Kyusho International has worked with Doctors from many disiplines and specialties to research Kyusho. We continously verify all methods for safety, physiology and function to insure the best training and information possible. Because of this relentless...

Got Kyusho?

  Controlling Factor Let's face it we all fancy ourselves modern commandos and even train with weapons that are accessible to us, conventional and historical. However when under immediate attack can you deploy it (it is at hand, can you use it in the environment...

Tendons and Muscles

In the older texts it has always been stated that you can attack nerve, blood, breath, muscle and bone. For years Martial Artists concerned themselves with breaking bones with sheer power (thus the breaking skills that appeared).  Next the Blood with chokes, but this...

Online Kyusho Educational Program

  Your Education Kyusho is taught in stepped easy to learn levels with the most advanced learning program available, utilizing cutting edge technology fused with the power of Kyusho and in your own home. It is built on the internationally acclaimed Kyusho...

Short Courses

Introducing the Short Course.  This is a two hour session working with points in a variety of ways from striking, to grappling to joint lock use. In this first of edition we look at Lung 1, 2,3 & 4. A two hour class brought down to 1 hour for your convenience,...

How to train

  It is in the How There are many different ways to train in Kyusho, it just depends on what you are trying to accomplish. For example most practitioners train only on theory, others train on gross motor skill with set techniques. However, if you want to develop...

International Kyusho Convention 2012

  November 2, 3 & 4, 2012 in the Netherlands SPONSORED BY: KYUSHO INTERNATIONAL... ALL WELCOME!  This will be the 12th annual International Kyusho Convention, where Kyusho instructors from around the world gather to share experiences and methods. Courses offered...

Welcome to For a historical perspective, The old website was created in 1995 with the website enjoyed over a million+ hits from some 30,000+ unique visitors each month!  This was a huge success with enthusiastic Kyusho practitioners from around the world,...