What’s in your Seiuchin

What’s in your Seiuchin

  The Blood Kata Many times people perform a Kata for it's actions and other benefits such as exercise, coordination, exhibition and even Bunkai or martial techniques. The techniques typically start as a defense, then a counter attack which is fine, however with...

Grappling Elbow

  Back To Basics Sometimes we find ourselves in a grappled situation where we attempt to dig the elbow into the femoral nerve to open the opponents guard.  For whatever reason such as the opponent does not feel the leg target, or you are too tightly held to use...
Tactical Kyusho Salzburg Austria

Tactical Kyusho Salzburg Austria

  Kick Ass Kyusho March 17 - 19, 2017 Salzburg, Austria This year we will be training Kyusho in a highly mobile, spontaneous and tactical method the contributed to my being kicked out of DKI. It posed a dilemma for the status quo training of the old days with a...
Glad to be…

Glad to be…

  Of service. We have taken an ancient knowledge and advanced it as well as modernized it. For many years we looked at the old traditional styles and knew there was something missing, it could not be as simple as punch and kick, to be so highly revered.  Fighting...

Vital Point 3

  Restore Body Function One of the other revivals we had developed and was quite controversial... probably still is by Kyusho's critics.  But for the people that have used this method (including some EMT's) fully understand the need as well as the vital...

Vital Point 2

  Learn why it works So many people copy Kyusho from YouTube or see people in seminars working and they just copy what they see with no understanding of what is really transpiring inside the body.  Without this understanding their knowledge and skill stagnates...
Tactical Self Protection

Tactical Self Protection

   February 24 & 25, 2018 The Science of Kyusho No Kyusho is not pressure points, in fact it is real anatomy... come learn how your Martial Art was designed to work with nerves, blood vessels, organs, muscle spindle cells and other functioning aspects of the human...


  Bitcoin What has Bitcoin got to do with Kyusho? Kyusho means "Vital Point", what is Vital in your life...money or the ability to buy food, shelter and yes do activities.  You will either control your own, or someone else will control it for you... if you allow...

Vital Point 1

    Learn to fix it properly Let's face it, some Kyusho folks (and it is in all Martial Arts - under the banner of "Traditional"), are stuck back in the old ways without advancement... (it is the 1980's for Kyusho especially), with no progression or desire...
Tom Gallo Filipino Arts and Kyusho

Tom Gallo Filipino Arts and Kyusho

H2H Great Article from Tom Gallo on Filipino Martial Arts and Kyusho... featured in Budo International. As you may have caught in our last Blog, Tom Gallo just advanced to his 4th Kyusho Practitioner level, displaying skill in Kyusho most practitioners have never...