Kyusho’s Deeper Research
Thinking Beyond the Norm When you begin to learn Kyusho, it seems there is to much information to comprehend and apply into acquired skill. When people hear about Kyusho, they first go to the internet where they are inundated with thousands of links, pages, images...
Richard Nortons Kyusho Complexes
I met Sensei Norton out in Australia many years ago and trained his complexes with him. He also attended a Kyusho seminar I was teaching for Frank Monea of Melbourne. Well during conversations I asked him if he would mind me applying Kyusho to his first complex and he...
Sobi Intro
The Final Target of Hohan Soken Affects: Fainting - Give severe pain to loin and abdomen portion by stimulation of shin bone and calf artery, and cause loss of motor organ. Hohan Sokens Notes clearly traversed the entire body, using 44 targets his Kyusho...
Ushiro-Inazuma Intro
Paralyzing Target Affects: Fainting - Give severe pains to loin and abdomen portion by stimulation of sciatic nerve, and cause loss of motor organ. Most Martial Styles do not use this target area, however it is perfect for most low kicks and even a fist...
Bitei Intro
7th of 9 Lower Body Knockout Targets Knockout blows are typically associated with the Head, some fighters also know about the body knockouts like Liver, Kidney and Diaphragm attacks. But very few people realize that it is possible in the arms and legs as well. This is...
5th of 9 Leg Knockouts using Hohan Sokens Kyusho Targets For Neko Ashi Dachi, Fumikomi, Kosa Dachi, or in Kobudo Bo and Eku attacks As we have seen in the prior Lower Kandan Kyusho Targets presented in Hohan Sokens Secret notes (Download a set of these notes - Click...
4 of 9 Leg Knockouts from Hohan Soken Affects: Fainting - Gives severe pains to loin by stimulation of calf bone artery and calf bone nerves and shin artery and bone nerves, and cause loss of motor functions at lower legs. - Hohan Soken With 9 targets on...
Double Shokens
From Uechi Ryu, Sanseiru Image used with permission from Jim Maloney, Uechi Ryu Canada https://www.facebook.com/jim.maloney.9862 The "Shoken" or "Tigers Tooth" (also known by many other names), is a powerful tool. It is a weapon like this that let's you...
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