by admin | Aug 1, 2015 | Protection
Another First: Welcome to our Kyusho Discussion Series, where your host Evan Pantazi, talks with great Kyusho Practitioners around the world. We will discussing what benefits Kyusho Practitioners from around the world have obtained and their general...
by admin | Jul 31, 2015 | Protection
Attributes It has always been clear throughout time, that the mind controls all. Modern Science has been trying to catch up to intuition, observation and common sense, but we got lost in modern science that dissolved these principles and natural workings under...
by admin | Jul 26, 2015 | Protection
Whew... Doing videos for some 30 years, you can only imagine how many things were not published or in the mainstream releases. I actually started mainstream or internet sales in 1995 on George Mattson's Uechi Ryu site (Forum) and that started the ball rolling....
by admin | Jul 24, 2015 | Health, Wellness
What is Lymph? It is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells, that bathes the tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream as it is pumped to the heart. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to help rid the body of...
by admin | Jul 17, 2015 | Protection
Typical Photo Shoot What is a typical photo shoot like for an article, book or cover for a DVD or Magazine... well there is no typical shoot. Recently 3 films were released to Budo International to produce... two are already on the Platinum Service. Well with each DVD...
by admin | Jul 10, 2015 | Protection
Kyusho in Shotokan An antagonism, because Shotokan karate has adapted completely to sport. Thus one excludes the other. In karate where fights follow certain rules, without any physical contact, it is not necessary to acquire the knowledge about vital points....
by admin | Jul 6, 2015 | Protection
Protect your family's future with GOLD Our mission is to make gold accessible and useful in digital payments and secure savings. We're advancing the digital payments revolution by helping people securely acquire, store, and now spend gold with unprecedented...
by admin | Jul 3, 2015 | Health, Wellness
Between Health and Wellness? Well a simple distinction is that "Health" relates to the physical state of being (being healthy from regular self effort),whereas "Wellness" relates to the corrective measures used towards maintaining or restoring your health. Health and...
by admin | Jun 26, 2015 | Health, Protection, Wellness
Amazing So you found Kyusho and you are blown away by what you missed or were not taught all these years. Your brain is ablaze with the "Discovery", the magnitude, the simplicity and the not to common, 'Common Sense". At first you are amazed, then a bit angry...
by admin | Jun 19, 2015 | Protection
Chi Gerk and Felled Tactics Exploring Kyusho attacks on the legs with a Tactical approach and methodology, is a rare instructional model or training program. There are two main levels of training; first working with Chi Gerk or a Sticky Leg training Drill to...