hanshiHanshi Patrick McCarthy - Brisbane, Australia

August 11, 2015

After many years of correspondence with Hanshi McCarthy we were finally able to have an online discussion with him regarding Kyusho, the Bubishi and many interrelated aspects.

This discussion is one hour and 15 minutes covering the Bubishi & Kyusho.

Along with Andi Quast, Joe Swift and Jesse Enkamp, Evan Pantazi founder of Kyusho International and Co Director of the Kyusho-Jutsu Kokusai Shihankai (With Hanshi Patrick McCarthy, will be contributing to the newest edition of the Bubishi soon to be published.

OK just finished editing this video, it was extremely difficult as it was 2 hours and needed to be shortened for you tube, it was all fantastic information as expected.

温故知新  (On Ko Chi Shin) “By asking old things know new things.”

Free free to ask questions or comment in the comments section below.