Turning Palms

Turning Palms

Keys There are layers upon layers of depth within the Bubishi, so we must first realize the outer layer or first Key to unlock other layers and Keys. The first layer Western Cultures must get past is the way or thinking and being.  Asian culture from which the...
Knockout Wake Up

Knockout Wake Up

Some Have - Some Won't Today we're going to take a look at a comment that was received on my YouTube channel. I get a ton of them from naysayers and people that just don't have an understanding of what Kyusho is. Now they need a Wake Up Call as they always compare it...
Kyusho Guillotine Escape

Kyusho Guillotine Escape

Part 22 of the Advanced Kyusho Sound Projection Series This segment we are going into the guillotine technique as the last two segments on Sound Projection, we did with the headlock. The Guillotine is pretty much the same attacking body position and body structure as...
Kyusho Headlock Release 2

Kyusho Headlock Release 2

Part 21 of the Advanced Kyusho Sound Projection Series This second release from a headlock is using different targets, yet the same sound of "Keeee". This was done to demonstrate that the sounds affect the opponent in a way that any viable nerve target is more...
Kyusho Headlock Release 1

Kyusho Headlock Release 1

Part 20 of the Advanced Kyusho Sound Projection Series Last week in the segment "A Greater Achievement", we were discussing restorative Health measures that we have found and implemented implemented in Kyusho International. This has gone far and wide as our headache...
A Greater Achievement

A Greater Achievement

Health Restoration Success Stories Working with Kyusho, it's concepts and physiological practice, I have achieved so much more in not only my Martial Art, but in many related fields. The one field I am most interested, challenged and satisfied with is in Health and...