Sanchin Shichen Attack

Sanchin Shichen Attack

    From The Monkey Again, Heresy!  (def: opinion or doctrine at  variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church,  religious system or cult). You know many Karate Folks never look past what their instructor tells them. They do not...
Delayed Affect

Delayed Affect

  Kakushiken We often hear of the fabled "Delayed Death Touch" in the Martial Arts as one of the highest skill levels to attain. But many put it off as myth or movie tricks as opposed to really researching and training to get it to work. Well it is really not far...
Suparempi Question

Suparempi Question

  Bunkai of the Bubishi Hello Evan, I received the email below and hope that you can answer his questions. Thank you!!! Yours in the Arts, Dana L. Stamos   "Hello, I have many of Sensei Pantazi's videos and attended a seminar in Boulder Colorado...
3 Trajectories

3 Trajectories

  3 Affects Most Kyusho practitioners that use "pressure points" know of two points (TW-12 mid Tricep and TW-11 at the elbow). They also know they must be attacked using different "Angle and Direction". However there are actually more targets that are viable on...


  猴拳 Influenced by Shaolin It is common knowledge that the Okinawan Martial Arts were heavily influenced by the Chinese methods derived from Shaolin. Not only the tools and targets, but also the postures (maps) themselves Within the ancient Bubishi, there are 3...