
Don't be Bashful folks, feel free to post your comments or questions on the posts. Kyusho may seem to be difficult to understand or learn, but it really is very simple. However the right questions will be necessary to get you past some temporary blocks. Your comments...


  In Health, Wellness and Protection Many people think that there are secrets to reveal, but are there really secrets, or just information a person does not want to reveal to others for specific reason? Or could it be an individual is not ready to learn at that...

What Points?

  A popular question... for Kyusho beginners is what is the most important point to learn? Well that is a simple question with no simple answer, not all points are the same, nor is the physiology in all people. Going deeper, not all points are the same nor are...


    Applied Knowledge Skill is not achieved by knowledge or theories, it is only accomplished through applied and refined knowledge through experience. So many believe that new information or mystical sounding information will increase their skills. So they...


Networking One of the best benefits of Kyusho has been the completely open cross training of Martial Arts styles, Law Enforcement & Security, as well as all factions of Non Preparatory types of people. This has given Self Protection it's greatest growth cycle ever...

What’s Important

So what is important for an individual that wants to excel in Kyusho: 1. Know the target inside and out. This seems like common sense especially for Kyusho practitioners, but is it really? Do you know if you are hitting a nerve, a blood vessel, an organ, or another...

Kyusho Overhaul

  Kyusho desperately needs an overhaul (Martial Arts does as well and is going through one now)... So the time is right. CAUTION: possibly inflammatory opinion First the Martial Arts are going through a change... not good or bad, but definitely a major makeover....

DVD Preview

Here is a preview of the Heart Revival and how it came about... this is never before released information and a must for every Kyusho Practitioner to know. So many people do things either taught or seen on videos of others, but few know where it originated or why, nor...

Energy Development

  There are so many methods of energy development in the world how do you know which one is complete, which one is better for you individually, which will bring you to your personal goals rather than simply feeling better? These are very difficult questions that...

Iron Sword

In the ancient Bubishi (military Manual), there are illustrations of the "6 Ji Hands" (also called the 6 wind or 6 energy hands), used in the application to the Vital Points (Kyusho). These hand positions were developed to better reach and inflict damage or shock to...