New Realities

  We are all taught in strict confines of remember and repeat processes that actually do not represent real learning. Yes it worked in school for you to get a grade and pass out of that "System" and into the real world... where it was completely different. We...


  What is protection? Is it merely learning a Martial Art or method of fighting (hand-to-hand, knife, firearm or other weapons), or is it all encompassing? Yes of course physical means of protection are needed, but you now need more protection against cyber...

The Beginning

  Many people that start Kyusho quickly get lost in the plethora of information they find. And like most people they can get frustrated as they feel they are way behind the learning curve and need to know it all now. But the best way to start is to understand you...

Good Health

    Here's to Yours, What many fail to see in the study of Kyusho is it's inherent benefit to the health of the practitioner. This occurs in many aspects of the training and the affects on the body: First is when the practitioner actually becomes aware of...


  Kyusho is in unprecedented times as more and more people realize its efficiency and potential. Because of the power of the Internet this body of knowledge has spread globally in a very short time. Instructors of all styles are eager to incorporate the Kyusho...

Pop Kyusho

Kyusho has been demonstrated in modern movies, but far more subtly than they were in the old Kung Fu theater days. The popular actors of today are depicting Kyusho in their films and actually adding more realistic application than the old Jackie Chan films. Even...

3 Layers

  Kyusho involves 3 main layers of training and anatomical targets. Where only the first main layer is needed to be highly proficient and effective in protection, the avid practitioner can rest assured that there is far more to learn that can increase your...


  Life is... a progression and must remain so as not to stagnate or regress. Our Kyusho knowledge, skills, use and dissemination must flow this natural law or stagnate into worthlessness. To do this we must always research and look beyond our current...


    "Reality is in the individuals perception" - Evan Pantazi Most people look at the glass half full or half empty depending on their optimistic nature or their pessimistic nature. It is a rare individual that sees the same object as completely full... half...


  Yes another Study Group Leader has now advanced to Training Instructor... but let me relate this story about it. Mauro Biardi of Buenos Aires Argentina, found Kyusho one day and took the bold move to start a Study Group in Argentina... the first. With no one...