
Humans invented time...

or more accurately segmented life into mathematical designations.

This is not usually an asset, but rather a restriction or control we place upon our world.  This in turn leads to competition (within ourselves) and stress which in turn leads to illness of mind, body and spirit.

Because of this imposed rule of time we also do not accomplish all that we should and could accomplish, as most use the excuse they do not have the time to achieve an accomplishment.   Or worse they imagine they do not, without even an effort.

Instead they rely on others and espouse them and their accomplishments as if their own.  This has given rise to celebrity and all the false imitation as well as adoration bestowed on them as they actually went forth and produced without excuse.

We also tend to repeat history instead of learning and growing from past experiences or accomplishment.  This is because people will use historical record and regurgitate only parts that support their agenda, desires or dreams.  It is far easier to rely on past words (even reassembled in  supposed new ways) as opposed to generation of new.  We must ask ourselves why we spend so much of this created and limited time repeating the words, thoughts or deeds of others (and usually out of context leading to more confusion and waste of time), instead of forging our own world and time.

So what is all this philosophical spewing about time got to do Kyusho... Well everything.  Most Kyusho practitioners use more time studying theory (someone else's), history (flawed from eons of biased retelling), then have no time to get on the training mat to forge their own actuality and accomplishments.

Kyusho means "Vital Point", in this case it means using your time to be the most productive in skill development for yourself, as opposed to repeating or re-arranging the thoughts, written words or theories of another.  Be your own source of skill development by learning the target, how to best work it and then sweat your but off working it in actual spontaneous action that uses your natural instincts and capabilities... not a mere mimic of another persons.

You are a flash of composed existence, use it wisely.


