Hardened Defenses

Hardened Defenses

    The Martial Artists Goal As Martial Artists, we work tirelessly to harden our bodies, mind and spirit against an opponent. This time the opponent is Viral and chances to avoid contact with it is slim. So what we must do instead is to Harden ourselves...
Facial Nerve Root

Facial Nerve Root

    The Ramifications Many people in Kyusho (especially the beginners), believe that Kyusho or "Pressure Points" rely on pain compliance. But this is not the real use case, nor the way to employ Kyusho. Many also call this target TW-17, but again they are...
Rokkishu Kyusho Knockout Bunkais

Rokkishu Kyusho Knockout Bunkais

    Six Hands of Shaolin For the full 3 hour film - Click Here - Free for Platinum Subscribers Rokkishu translates into "6 hands" (seen in the ancient Bubishi as the 6 Ji Hands or 6 Wind Hands of Shaolin), originated in Chinese Martial Arts. It is widely...
Health Protection

Health Protection

    Colloidal Silver For Health and First Aid As long time subscribers know, my professions are in natural health therapies as well as self protection (some call it Martial Arts). This career sends me around the world treating and teaching the arts...
Loss of Motor Control

Loss of Motor Control

  Another Kyusho Affect When we apply a correct neurological Kyusho attack, we can observe a loss of motor control. But why... we have seen other effects such as loss of consciousness as well as even seizures... but what is motor control and what causes this...
Reverse Breathing

Reverse Breathing

  For Kyusho A question from one of the Patreon Subscribers read as follows: Doug O'Connor  Reverse breathing.  When performing kata (I.e., Sanchin, Naihanchi, etc.), do you use reverse breathing?  And also when performing Kyusho movements?  I have been reading...
Kata Kin Ken

Kata Kin Ken

Golden Fist Translation; Gold Fist is a form brought from China by Master Pai, to US shores where it was taught in his family style. This is but one of many forms passed along, but of major importance as it is filled with unique and diverse postures.   The very topic...
KO Seizures

KO Seizures

  What Causes Them   A seizure is a sudden abnormal electrical disturbance in the brain. This can be induced with Kyusho, especially when heavier power levels are used. The following are the symptoms that can be observed: Strange movement of your head, body,...
Siu Nim Tao

Siu Nim Tao

  Siu Nim Tao Wing Tsun/Chun is a concise and direct Martial Arts Style with many generations of history since it’s inception. In the centuries of its existence, it has become one of the world’s predominant styles, a testament to its efficiency and effectiveness....
Kyusho Drills

Kyusho Drills

  Enhanced Accuracy and Spontaneity We all understand that drills help develop neural pathways to reduce hesitation, increase muscle speed and efficiency, as well as accuracy in motion. But many cast drills to a non-realistic training that wastes the...