Snake Shichen

    Serious Life Threatening Targets Many time I have made reference to the Fujita's Scroll, Hohan Soken's Notes, the Ancient Bubishi and other old texts... especially in regard to the Vital Targets and the lessons contained in these writings about their...


  時辰 Shi A time, season, period, hour, era, or age. Chen An Earthly Branch, part of life. Shichen ("Long Hours") typically refer to time periods. The ancient Chinese referred to 12 segments of time after the 12 months and the 12 corresponding animals. The day was...
Kyusho in Seipai

Kyusho in Seipai

  Answers from the Bubishi From Goju Ryu and others styles this ancient Kata was one of the more prominent Kata depicted in the Bubishi... and therefore is steeped or more aptly, evolved from Kyusho. As this is an ancient Kata, much of the historical information...

Podcast 15 – Tigers Claw

Dear Subscribers this is a very dangerous application and I urge you not to try it unless we know you can perform the resuscitation correctly. What we demonstrate on the film are low level attacks with this method and target... heavier applications not shown, really...
Delayed Death Touch

Delayed Death Touch

  Reality Based Kyusho Yeah, it would probably take that long to die of a splenic fracture, probably take a couple of days to die of a carotid dissection from black tiger, probably only would take one day to die of a subclavian artery laceration from seiuchin...