The Bubishi Monkey Shichen of Sanchin & Seisan

The Bubishi Monkey Shichen of Sanchin & Seisan

猴拳 From The Monkey Again, Heresy!  (def: opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church,  religious system or cult). You know many Karate Folks never look past what their instructor tells them. They do not research on...

The 36 Points of the Bubishi

When we look  at the Bubishi we must not look at the modern translations as they follow an incorrect paradigm.  Instead we must observe just the exact writings or diagrams that were original.  Then we must correlate it with other such ancient scrolls, texts and...


  From the Bubishi In Article 21 of the Bubishi, as well as other pages, books and scrolls, there are drawn human figures in certain Martial postures. In the Bubishi, these postures are given the names of a particular Shichen, in particular for this article and...
Bubishi Keys Deeper Look

Bubishi Keys Deeper Look

  Why are these images different? Last Friday the blog was about  Kenwa Mabuni and his coveted Bubishi, received from his teacher; Anko Itosu.  Just one more legendary Master and Style that worked with this information and method called Kyusho. You have also read...