by admin | May 10, 2019 | Bubishi, Information, products, Styles
Collaboration is the key to success All through Kyusho's modern history and even in ancient times, collaborative efforts to gain more knowledge, skill and understanding (you can never fully understand if you do not apply the knowledge hands on to develop...
by admin | Feb 22, 2019 | Information, Styles, Training
Traditional Secret Training In the old ways of the Martial Arts there was two systems in each system, one being openly taught and the other taught only to a select few people. These were considered the Open (Kaishu) and Closed (Heishu) door systems. And so we must...
by admin | Dec 21, 2018 | Information, Protection, Styles, Training
White Crane - Black Tiger Kyusho in Siu Nim Tau - Tegumi (in the Platinum Subscription) Here is yet more correlation of Wing Chun to the Bubishi: This KO is not only in Wing Chun (White Crane) but also in the Kata Gojushiho (Black Tiger)... it is not...
by admin | Nov 16, 2018 | Energy, Information, People
In Tai Chi and Kyusho While in Taiwan this year I met and talked with a Tai Chi Sifu so named "Bloomberg". PS: I tried to post this to YouTube, but the music he was playing in the background at his home,created a copyright restriction on my account. ...
by admin | Nov 9, 2018 | Business, Information, Training
We should never "Teach" Kyusho, we should practice it. - Evan Pantazi As we know Kyusho enhances any Martial Art or Style, giving you greater efficiency, power and affect. It also gives you greater purpose and potential for your style, however it is difficult...
by admin | Sep 21, 2018 | Information, People, Styles, Training
The Real Story Discussion Arranged by Mr.Thompson M (from YouTube) A discussion with James Coffman, direct student of Hohan Soken and Fusei Kise, he reveals the facts about the fabled "Notes" and brings further light to real Kyusho, Shorinji vs. Shorin Ryu,...