by admin | Oct 29, 2017 | Business, People, products, Protection, Styles, Training
Tensho - White Crane Nerve Attacks Thank You For Your Support - It was a huge success! This Project was a process to unlock certain keys to the Bubishi and Goju-Ryu Tensho. I have just released the Tensho - White Crane Nerve Attack video.... For those that...
by admin | Oct 27, 2017 | Beginner, People, Styles
Kyusho is a foundational pillar of all Kata It has long been written by many masters of old, that anatomical Kyusho was a basis of their particular styles. Marshall Wolff takes us through basic stages of Kyusho integration in Bassai... including 6 Kyusho...
by admin | Oct 20, 2017 | Beginner, Energy, Health, Information, Protection, Training
It's Black and White Kyusho is the Key to all Martial Arts Styles, be it for health, energy training or pugilism. Within the Key of Kyusho, are additional Keys to making it functional for you and your style or area of interest. And in the Bubishi there are keys...
by admin | Oct 13, 2017 | Beginner, Energy, Health, People, Wellness
Another Success Story One of the most exhilarating aspects of my experience in Kyusho is the stories of success people share from around the world with the methods. This letter and video came in from Aaron Earl I wanted to thank you Master Pantazi for sharing your...
by admin | Oct 6, 2017 | Health, Protection, Training
Attack Most People in the Martial Arts target the clavicle as a viable target to incapacitate their opponent. But it is to break the collarbone and render the arm inoperable. But there is a better way that does not need the power needed for a bone break, yet...