Vital Point 3

  Restore Body Function One of the other revivals we had developed and was quite controversial... probably still is by Kyusho's critics.  But for the people that have used this method (including some EMT's) fully understand the need as well as the vital...

Vital Point 2

  Learn why it works So many people copy Kyusho from YouTube or see people in seminars working and they just copy what they see with no understanding of what is really transpiring inside the body.  Without this understanding their knowledge and skill stagnates...
Tactical Self Protection

Tactical Self Protection

   February 24 & 25, 2018 The Science of Kyusho No Kyusho is not pressure points, in fact it is real anatomy... come learn how your Martial Art was designed to work with nerves, blood vessels, organs, muscle spindle cells and other functioning aspects of the human...

Body Change

    Happy Holidays Typically I demonstrated a series of Christmas KO's in the past years, but the knockouts are such a small part of Kyusho that I got away from doing them.  Last year there was a breakdonw of the first moves of the Wing Chun Mook Joong Form,...


  Brainwave Synchronization Improves Physical and Mental Health The brain contains millions of specialized cells called neurons. When neurons send signals to each other, electrical energy is created that can be measured on the scalp with the use of a special...