Happy Holidays

Typically I demonstrated a series of Christmas KO's in the past years, but the knockouts are such a small part of Kyusho that I got away from doing them.  Last year there was a breakdonw of the first moves of the Wing Chun Mook Joong Form, with Kyusho applications and their affects on human physiology.  However for all those enthusiasts to Kyusho (over 5 million visits at Kyusho.com each year), I still would like to offer a gift of gratitude to you.

This year a glimpse of a closed door understanding

Now by Body Change I do not mean, physical strength, balance, fluidity, muscle memory, condition, stamina or many other physical attributes gleaned from Kata.  This is a deeper more profound way of tapping into the reflexive body of the opponent (and still not even the full scope of Body Change and the Attributes inferred in the ancient Bubishi).  We live in the conscious mind and world, but exist because of the unconscious mind, it' s functions and it's filtering of all around us.

vs161222-001Implanted in Kata

Let's look at a signature (and I dare say defining) action of one old Kata, Bassai/Passai, the action of the double hammer fists.  Within this old Kata are not only posture and movements, but also maps and clues on how to affect body change.

As the film discussed and illustrates the postures and actions denote an attack as well as it's affects on an opponent.  But it is not the exterior or shell of the body, it is the inner body and directly into the subconscious and autonomic system.

The brilliance of this Kata segment is amazing, as what deep understanding these old masters had.  Now some would say I made this all up... perhaps it is, but it is so referenced in the Kata, anatomy and natural ways, that even if so... it is still better than conventional explanations.



Quick Explanation:

From Wikipedia:  "Muscle spindles are sensory receptors within the belly of a muscle that primarily detect changes in the length of this muscle. They convey length information to the central nervous system via sensory neurons. This information can be processed by the brain to determine the position of body parts."


So what happens

When a muscle is stretched, primary sensory fibers of the muscle spindle respond to changes in muscle length and velocity as they transmit this information in fractions of a second to the spinal cord and then to the brain. The muscles then reflexively transmit the neuro-messaging to resist the stretch. Simultaneously an afferent signal is also transmitted which inhibit alpha motoneurons of antagonist muscles, causing them to relax.

More in depth information and 1.5 hour film - Click Here





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