Kyusho in Fook Sao

Kyusho in Fook Sao

    Fook Sao - Blood Pool Hand Excerpt from Wing Chun Tegumi Filming So often we look at moves in our martial arts forms and think they are only for exercise, to develop energy, or as defensive only application.  By always considering each action a defensive...
Free Kyusho Videos

Free Kyusho Videos is Digital Here is how you can get a Free mp4 video download As we are on a digital platform called the internet and the old stores and products are being replaced by digital products, is leading the pack once again by adopting the new...
Kyusho Enabled Protection

Kyusho Enabled Protection

For the Disabled Instructors from right to left: Roan Morand, Kilian Forclaz*, Richard Emery*, Michel Barras, Evan Pantazi Course Designers Kilian Forclaz and Richard Emery Photographed by: Linda Emery Access the detailed films and instructional information -Click...