The Kyusho of Shotokan

The Kyusho of Shotokan

    Gichin Funakoshi's Kyusho Yes even a style as "Taditional" as Shotokan was originally built on an understanding of Kyusho by it's founder. In fact he was so entrenched that he published his notes on Kyusho in his legendary text "Karate-Do Kyohan".   Now...

Targeting Tegumi Tuite

  In Traditional Karate We all know that each style's Kata are the main instructional tools handed down through the ages.  We also know that they are an exercise, a meditation and a puzzle used to convey the style's body of knowledge... All with secrets hidden in...
Kyusho Health Aspects

Kyusho Health Aspects

Another Success Story One of the most exhilarating aspects of my experience in Kyusho is the stories of success people share from around the world with the methods. This letter and video came in from Aaron Earl I wanted to thank you Master Pantazi for sharing your...

Seisan Electrics

  An Electric Kata There are Katas and there are Profound Katas. Sanchin as example is a profound Kata as it is fully complete, even in it's mapping of the Human Electrical System... to increase the efficiency in flow, control and balance... (in electrical...