
  The Historical Norm.... Of any Martial Art s to manipulate or strike the opponents body to; damage, control or dominate. But almost all styles work and train to accomplish this from the outside of the body at the body's maximum strength and resilience.  The...


被禁止 - Bèi jìnzhǐ ST-17 lays on the nipples and are forbidden points in acupuncture, yet we can use them successfully in Kyusho training.  They cause severe pain (as one would imagine), hinder the breath, shock or constrict the chest.  And when using both...
Kyusho in Goju

Kyusho in Goju

Goju-ryu and Kyusho The integration of a style to Vital Point Application Got style? GOJU-RYU or otherwise? Do you have a number of years dedicated to a discipline of BUDO and have developed a strong foundation forged with numerous hours of practice, study and...
More than…

More than…

  Meets the Eye When it comes to Kyusho there is more than meets the eye... there is so much that most take for granted.  But if you actually put in the time and work with it, the realities reveal themselves. When we look at the natural structures as opposed to...
March 2015 Budo

March 2015 Budo

  Body Change: We have uncovered the underlying principle and discipline of "Body Change" in Martial Application via the Bubishi. Look at page 125   Spanish - Click Here French - Click Here German - Click Here Italian - Click Here   To all Martial...
Sharpen your skill

Sharpen your skill

  Like the honed edge of the Katana As mentioned in the prior Blog; Kyusho Eductaion, a tool is only good if you know how to use it through actual experience. In Kyusho there are no pressure points, there are no special theories, there are no elements that make...
Kyusho Education

Kyusho Education

  Knowledge is not Education It's not what you know in Kyusho, it's how you train it and put it into real actions in a varied and dynamic sense that educates you.  - Evan Pantazi. It is not that you know Kyusho, many do and can mimic YouTube demonstrations... but...
Kyusho for all

Kyusho for all

  And all for Kyusho... Kyusho has mistakenly been taught and marketed as a KO Method or Art... but it is far more comprehensive than that.  We have seen the power and efficiency that can be obtained by any looking to do so on a martial basis... but sadly this...
Budo February 2015

Budo February 2015

  The Journey It has been a long journey with you and Budo International in order to reveal the ancient method of Kyusho.  It has not only been very rewarding, it has spread throughout the world since this release, empowering a great individuals, groups and...


  We are Vortex As time marches on, man discovers more and more about life in the universe. As science has found from Einsteins pondering, that time is relative and changes with motion and perception (mind over matter).  In 1916, Einstein developed another theory...