

  "Charlie Horse" Wednesdays Kyusho (Vital Point) for wellness. Charley Horse is a popular colloquial term in Canada and the United States for painful spasms or cramps in the leg muscles.  The term dates back to the 1880s and was originally a American baseball...
Ankle KO

Ankle KO

    Ankle KO Targets of the Monkey (Bubishi) part 3 of 3 Two issues ago we started a small exploration of some Kyusho Applications and how they could result in a Kyusho Knockout… on the leg.  In the first segment we covered a Kyusho KO that is possible with...


  Tensho - "Turning Palms" Follow all link as as they are directed you several video offerings... many free from YouTube, some more involved here on One of the more well known kata in Goju-Ryu, Tensho is derived from the Chinese form of "Rokkishu". ...
Leg KO’s

Leg KO’s

    Targets of the Monkey (Bubishi)     In last month’s issue we covered a Kyusho KO that is possible with a single strike to the leg. The target was a combination of nerve and vascular tissue just behind the bend of the knee.  It is, as is this...
Blood Toxins

Blood Toxins

Ginger Wednesdays Kyusho (Vital Point) for wellness. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is the most widely used dietary condiment in the world today. It’s actually part of the plant family that includes turmeric and cardamom, which may explain why the health benefits of...
Rooting for Kyusho

Rooting for Kyusho

  Myth or Useful? We cannot blindly follow any one, we must always search the truth through experience. So many Martial Artists, expound the the great secret of rooting for Martial Application, could this be another myth? Well for health, wellness, physical...
Cavity Press

Cavity Press

Not Point Press...  All Kyusho and Dim Mak targets are in deeper body cavities, not on a superficial level or even a specific "point" that's just the way it is.  They are real anatomical structures that nature protects with overlaying muscle, tendon, bone, fascia,...
Kyusho a Style

Kyusho a Style

  Not a traditional one.... Yes Kyusho is a style, but a style of individuality. Style is a manner of focus, be it striking, grappling, locking, throwing, evasion, etc.. However most traditional styles all focus on the exterior of the body, appendages, head and...
Punch in the Gut

Punch in the Gut

  Yup it sucks. We have all experienced a punch, kick or fall,etc., that shocked the abdominal region. With a severe enough blow to this region (depending on size, age, condition of the individual), a person can undergo many affects after receiving such an...
Knee KO

Knee KO

  Knee KO Targets of the Monkey (Bubishi) part 1 of 3 What are the mechanics behind a Kyusho KO well that has been discussed for the past 13 years here in Budo, but what is the working parts, where are these targets and why do they work on the leg is our topic...