by admin | Oct 29, 2021 | Training
4 of 9 Leg Knockouts from Hohan Soken Affects: Fainting - Gives severe pains to loin by stimulation of calf bone artery and calf bone nerves and shin artery and bone nerves, and cause loss of motor functions at lower legs. - Hohan Soken With 9 targets on...
by admin | Oct 21, 2021 | Training
by admin | Oct 15, 2021 | Training
More with the 6 Ji Hands and Bob Last week we worked with the 6 Ji Hands on the Head and Neck area targets that would cause unconsciousness. The same holds true for Kyusho's body targets as they all can cause unconsciousness and even fatality when struck correctly and...
by admin | Oct 8, 2021 | Training
With the 6 Ji Hands and Bob Constant hand training is a must to develop greater Kyusho skills as your hands will feel how to strike and where to strike… with proper trajectory. This does not mean you need to strike a Makiwara, Wooden Dummy, Heavy Bag or any dormant...
by admin | Sep 24, 2021 | Training
Why Didn't They Tell Us? Well they sort of told us, but never told us the how or why of it, like most Karate. This target is the instep of the foot, we were all told to stomp it, but we were never told it could cause the opponent to faint or pass out. And they never...
by admin | Sep 17, 2021 | Training
Severe Trauma Vital Points of Kadan (Lower Row) and Spots to be attacked Mukobone: Shinbone Front central side of the shin- - Attack by Ken and Kick Affects: Severe Trauma to the Tibia Nerve, severe pain and loss of standing in an...