Marshall Wolff – Bassai

Marshall Wolff – Bassai

  Kyusho is a foundational pillar of all Kata It has long been written by many masters of old, that anatomical Kyusho was a basis of their particular styles. Marshall Wolff takes us through basic stages of Kyusho integration in Bassai... including 6 Kyusho...
Kyusho Health Aspects

Kyusho Health Aspects

Another Success Story One of the most exhilarating aspects of my experience in Kyusho is the stories of success people share from around the world with the methods. This letter and video came in from Aaron Earl I wanted to thank you Master Pantazi for sharing your...
Kyusho Canada 2017

Kyusho Canada 2017

  September 2017 Angus, Ontario (Canada) The public dissemination of the Neurological and Vascular Kyusho methods in Tensho and Seiunchin (Electrical and Hydraulic systems) of the human body was initiated.  These two Kata represent a means to illustrate the power...


  Every day there is something to be thankful for! And today I owe gratitude for a distant friend, Alex Garoufalidis (a fellow Greek) from Germany. Some Background Paraphrased from the website: Alex is a guitarist-extraordinaire who founded King’s Call a melodic...