The Living Bubishi

The Living Bubishi

All hidden in Plain Sight The Bubishi is the “How To Manual” for the Fujita, Soken, Funakoshi, Cutting Vein and all such manuscripts and scrolls. As an ardent researcher of the Bubishi Articles and Kyusho, after decades certain keys began to emerge.  Each key revealed...
Congratulations Steve Lynch

Congratulations Steve Lynch

  On Accomplishing Goju-Ryu Shichidan Kyusho Practitioner and Instructor Steve Lynch has gained his Shichidan in Goju-Ryu. He has been a pioneer working ardently to bring the founders words; 'The Bubishi is the Bible of Karate" to the forefront and bring the...
Wind Hands

Wind Hands

Why are they called Wind Hands? Otherwise known as Ji Hands Now the Ji hands of the Bubishi have been described in several two main ways; Energy and Wind.  Now they may seem different at first reading, however they embody the same essence. Now we must understand that...

Brain Antenna

Yes Really Martial Arts as Energy Work has been a practice of mankind throughout the millennia and in all cultures.  It is not the soul creation of China, Okinawa or Japan... all of the ancient civilizations had their own hand to hand as well as military methods, even...


  The Third Animal The Bubishi is based on two main animal styles; White Crane and Black Tiger... however there is also the consideration of a third animal inferred. It is inferred as the two animals blended, actually compose the essence of the third animal (the...