
  To Host a Special Kyusho Course Contact Us - Click Here Specialized Training Courses include; Motivational Development, Team Building, Physical Attribute Training, Skill Enhancement, Interpersonal  and Group Communication Skills, Instructional Skill...

Good and Bad

Kyusho Training is good and bad. I know you are anxious to know what's bad about Kyusho and personally I see nothing wrong, however it is a matter of perspective. First the good: Efficient - no strength, speed or endurance is needed, just good timing making it simple...

Brainwave Study

    Kyusho Brainwave Study Initiated in 2002, we sought to measure the affects of Kyusho on the working of the brain. Originally the goal was to validate that the "No Touch" KO was real, not simply hypnosis and how it actually affected the recipient, but in...


  ST-38, 38 & 40: Few Kyusho practitioners work with these two points as they focus on more popular targets. It is possible that they do not illustrate more dramatic leg motion and as such disregarded by instructors concerned with Kyusho's appearance over...

Kin Ken

Kin Ken - GoldenFist Kin Ken is known to most as a Kata handed down by the late Daniel K. Pai, but it is far more than that when you research it's potentials. Here is an example KO from long ago out of the Kin Ken, as we were requested to develop as many unique KO's...