Why is the Left Side of the Body Weaker

Why is the Left Side of the Body Weaker

  Because of the way the Heart is positioned Paul Robinson Questioned: "Evan, I have a question for you. I'm a Platinum Subscriber. In your bronze body points section you said not to strike certain points on the left side of the body because they affect the...
Open Hand or Closed Fist

Open Hand or Closed Fist

  Hands of Shaolin I get hundreds of questions each week regarding Kyusho in regard to Health and Healing as well as Martial Arts. It has been my career for decades and thoroughly intriguing. Here is one such question recently asked on my You Tube Channel:...
Kyusho or Atemi

Kyusho or Atemi

    What is the Difference? Atemi (当身) means striking or concussive blows to the body... as opposed to grappling, throwing, felling or joint locking methods. Many Martial Arts styles employ the use of Atemi to help set up the opponent for a trow, lock or...


  Mawashi Uke Excerpted from Kyusho-Kali head attacks video - Click Here   There are so many ways to use any action in an old Kata, in this particular presentation we will look at what is called the Mawashi-Uke (Circular Block). This is seen in so many Kata...
Marote Uke

Marote Uke

  "Nothing is more harmful to the world as a martial art that is not effective in actual self-defense" - Choki Motobu Ahh the words of a true Master... yet today we see more and more ineffective postures, actions and techniques being forwarded for such powerful...