Medical Research

Hey Doc... Kyusho International has worked with Doctors from many disiplines and specialties to research Kyusho. We continously verify all methods for safety, physiology and function to insure the best training and information possible. Because of this relentless...

Courses 2012

Training Courses with Evan Pantazi will include Team Building, Curriculum Verification, Skill Enhancement, Instructional Skill Enhancement, Certifications, Special Programs, New Processes (Training Ideas and Methods), Business and Marketing Instruction.  Integrity...

Got Kyusho?

  Controlling Factor Let's face it we all fancy ourselves modern commandos and even train with weapons that are accessible to us, conventional and historical. However when under immediate attack can you deploy it (it is at hand, can you use it in the environment...
Evan-Pantazi DVD’s

Evan-Pantazi DVD’s

  Kyusho Sanchin 2 - New Release 3-3-17 The work with this film is a primer in the difference between Kyusho and Dim Mak, as they are not based on the same targets. It is a continuation of the 6-Ji Hands and Iron Shirt study and films available through Budo...

Tendons and Muscles

In the older texts it has always been stated that you can attack nerve, blood, breath, muscle and bone. For years Martial Artists concerned themselves with breaking bones with sheer power (thus the breaking skills that appeared).  Next the Blood with chokes, but this...