Energy Transfer

Energy transference can have many different sources and therefore meanings or realities. For example most Body Workers, Yoga or  Martial Arts practitioners think of Chi, Ki or Prana when they hear the term energy .  Electricians, Mechanics and Engineers will have...

Discussion Forum

Why have a discussion forum for Kyusho? Well you can learn so much abutthe various aspects of it, anatomical structure, locations, best way to use it, etc. But the real benefit is learning the communication of it as well, this will help you considerably when taking a...


The lesson is, never stop learning. Kyusho is something many seem as a finite study... once you know the points and the ways to hit them, you are done. Nothing is ever done... there are so many variables and infinite ways to apply and transition from other points,...

Next Phase

Energy Development I have been studying energy work for 35+  years and relating it to quantum physics for over ten years... they are inseperable in my opinion. Using Kyusho as the common denominator (and vital point in all) I have separated my studies into different...


Founder Created the Kyusho International ® Curriculum and Business Plan (2000), implemented in 2003 holds a positin onthe board of directors, Licensed to instruct and certify all levels.   Evan Pantazi Location: Massachusetts (USA) Founder Certification License...