Brainwave Study 2

  Brainwaves Since the beginning of Kyusho Internationals founding, we have been tirelessly dedicated to proving that Kyusho was not only real, but affected the body as professed through modern medical and technological science. We also sought the inner affects...


  What? The Martial Arts (MA) have changed, no longer are they "Style" specific (loyal to one style only), but everyone is now open to what was once called "Cross Training" Practitioners jump from style to style taking bits and pieces to form their own...


  Vlog = Video Log This will be the first in a monthly video presentation answering your questions, discussing various targets, reactions, affects, methods and any and all areas of Kyusho. It will be integrated along with special sections exclusively for Platinum...

Online Videos

These online videos are instant access streaming films. All are instant access you can even share them and make money!  Check back often as more are released. (all included plus 50+ more films in the Platinum Subscription) Evan Pantazi Top Ten Targets Seiko...

Chi – Ki – Prana

  Life Force As usual most rely on what someone has told them without really investigating their source, their experience, their reasoning and most importantly how they pass it on. From the learning post we see how most people retain or learn and which method is...