International Kyusho Convention 2015

International Kyusho Convention 2015

November 13, 14 & 15, 2015 Lisboa, Portugal   The 15th annual International Kyusho Convention: And the 2nd Annual Kyusho-Jutsu Kokusai Shihankai gathering All and Only Kyusho Instructors will be instructing for your full Kyusho Education You can be a...


SI-11 Some Kyusho targets are rarely if ever used by Instructors or Practitioners, but that does not make them invalid.  Many targets that are not taught have great worth and potential and it is important to each individual to work with them to find the true worth (or...

Kyusho Training Device

  An Original Kyusho and Dim Mak have been trained for centuries. From centuries ago we have been passed one of the original Kyusho - Dim Mak training devices; The Mook Jong.  Although this device is more known as a Wing Chun training device, the original intent...
Kyusho Discussion 8

Kyusho Discussion 8

  Danny "Hyper Bald Guy" Plyler Mixing MMA and Kyusho, no not just in the fights... but in the restorative and maintenance aspects with the Fighters Health! Danny Plyler, known as the Hyper Bald Guy," is a former United States Marine and founder and director of...

Throw Away

Throw away what? Your Pressure Point ideas, Acupuncture Charts (Valid for Acupuncture, not Kyusho)... and get an anatomy book or a set of Kyusho Charts. These will tell you how to work Kyusho on a deeper and "REAL" basis. Yes the allure of myth, legend and fanciful...


  On the Richter Scale... Many people see video of Kyusho KO and they see varying levels of dysfunction and often wonder why the varying affects.  To someone that has not practiced Kyusho this can lead to a skewed outlook on the practice (it is not only a KO...
Fa Jin

Fa Jin

  Fa Jin (fā jìn, 發勁) Wikipedia:  It means to issue or discharge power explosively or refining the explosive power, and is not specific to any particular striking method. Jìn (勁), or "power", is often confused by Westerners with the related concept of jīng (精),...
Bubishi Training

Bubishi Training

  Private or Group Instruction The ancient Bubishi is an enigma, to break down the content and apply the knowledge and skills contained in it you need the code. Evan Pantazi teaches you this code and how to apply it to unlock the infinite teachings contained in...
Kyusho Discussion 7

Kyusho Discussion 7

Hanshi George Mattson - Florida, USA   Going back to 1996, I was introduced to Hanshi George Mattson through a new friend I had met at a Jujitsu America convention, Steve DiOrio. From that introduction, Steve and I asked permission (yes folks we did honorable...

New Suit

  Kyusho Suit Every profession, club, group, business, organization etc. has a set uniform or suit that they wear. Kyusho is no exception, but it is not the group logo, the uniform, the belt... no the Kyusho Practitioner understands that the suit or uniform they...