by admin | Aug 6, 2021 | Training
Understanding the Weaker Anatomical Targets is Vital > How important is it to any Martial Artist to know where a weak area of the opponent is, how best to attack it and how the opponent will fall or be affected? > How would you like to know a weaker anatomical...
by admin | Jul 30, 2021 | Training
20th Fatal Target Of the 44 Targets of Hohan Soken, there are 20 that are listed as Fatal. !0 are in the Jyodan or "Upper Row", 9 are in the Chudan or"Middle Row" and only 1 is in the Kandan or "Lower Row". This is that 1 Fatal Target of the Kandan or Lower Row. This...
by admin | Jul 23, 2021 | Science
Nerve strikes, what really happens? In Hohan Sokens notes, there are always references such as: Fainting: Because of nervous disorder with irritated cerebrum Affects: Brow, rupture of sense and motor organs because of stimulation of brain nerves caused by shock of...
by admin | Jul 16, 2021 | Training
The 7th of 7 arm Knockouts from Hohan Sokens Secret Notes. The Journey through the last 7 targets from Hohan Sokens Secret Notes, has been informative, but hopefully more of a physiological understanding. The targets of the arm gave us a common attack methodology for...
by admin | Jul 9, 2021 | Training
Gaishoho Intro - the 6th of seven arm KO's from Hohan Soken The Gaishoho Target is more protected than most other arm targets in that the surrounding muscle, tendon and ligaments are strong and difficult to bypass in the beginning. However as with anything, dedicated...
by admin | Jul 2, 2021 | Training
Naishoho Intro - 1 of 7 arm KO's from Hohan Sokens Secret Notes As we continue on the 7 Arm KO's from Hohan Sokens notes, we find a common theme, working with the Blood and Nerve structures to cause a simultaneous Neural Shock and induce a Vaso Vagal Syncope. This...
by admin | Jun 25, 2021 | Training
How can you knock someone out on the arm? Well Hohan Soken noted that it was due to neurological shock to the system, but it goes even deeper than that, but more on that in a moment. When you attack the targets in a certain way you can pinch the nerve against the bone...
by admin | Jun 18, 2021 | Training
Most Martial Artists learn to attack the Elbow with traditional weapons such as a Hammer Fist (Tettui), or a Middle Block (Chudan Uke) type of an action. This is typically stated to "Break" the elbow, which is incorrect terminology. The real occurrence would be a...
by admin | Jun 11, 2021 | Training
Vital Points of Jyodan (Upper Row) and Spots to be attacked Affects: Fainting - Give abnormal pains to breast and neck portion by stimulation of Ulna nerve. The image for this video is an old photograph (newly enhanced), showing Choki Motobu striking this exact...
by admin | Jun 4, 2021 | Training
You really can KO a person on the arm, but why and how?Vital Points of Jyodan (Upper Row) and Spots to be attacked Udenarashi: Center portion of back side of upper arm - Attack by Tettui (Hammer Fist) and Dagger (Knife). Affects: Fainting -...