Hip Dislocation

Hip Dislocation

Hollow of the Thigh - Biblical Kyusho ll - Genesis 32 More Demonstrations The Bible is actually a Battle Manual in that it is the epic Battle of Good vs Evil, God vs. Satan, or Yin and Yang if you will, diametrically opposed forces. It is comprised of war, battles,...

Arm Control

Technical Training Arm Targets for control of limb and body. Target #2 - Golgi (or more accurately the Golgi Tendon Organ/Receptor), this is a rub only target.  The faster and harder the rub the more reaction will occur and the more dramatic the...
Law Enforcement Kyusho

Law Enforcement Kyusho

The target can be pressed, stretched or struck with a rubbing action.   This point has many physical effects on the recipient: Hand opens Arm Weakens (Elbow and Shoulder drops) Physical Strength diminishes Knees weaken and buckles Causes severe pain and body...
Hollow of the Thigh

Hollow of the Thigh

Hollow of the Thigh - Biblical Kyusho ll - Genesis 32 The Bible is actually a Battle Manual in that it is the epic Battle of Good vs Evil, God vs. Satan, or Yin and Yang if you will, diametrically opposed forces. It is comprised of war, battles, conquest and...
Verifying Kyusho

Verifying Kyusho

This video is on verification of Kyusho, and how over the years we have worked with many medical professionals as well as scientists alike to first verify the affects, then measure the affects and also to verify how it impacts the anatomy, physiology and...
Biblical Kyusho

Biblical Kyusho

This topic maybe a bit controversial but while researching Kyusho's history we can not overlook any possible sources. The term Kyusho is a Japanese derivation from the Chinese version of Dim Mak or Dim Hsueh., however as I have alluded to in many past posts or...