Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi – Strike & Throw

Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi – Strike & Throw

Sanchin Strike & Throw Part 5 in a Continuing Series In the Pangainoon (Uechi) Sanchin, we have nine of these strikes, We saw the Concussive application, then the Compressive application, we are going back to a concussive, but using a body target and following...
Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi – Strike 2

Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi – Strike 2

Sanchin Strike 2 Part 4 in a Continuing Series This action will follow last weeks concussive attack of the White Crane version of the Iron Bone Hand, This week we are developing the Black Tiger, this is a compressive animal as it will dig its claws in and pull down...
Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi – Strike 1

Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi – Strike 1

Part 3 in a Continuing Series So we came into this part in the form we're coming into the first strike, now the initiation is a deflection, it could be a Parry, it could be a number of different things. As the opponent starts coming at you with a clinch, or the waist...
Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi

Sanchin Kyusho Tegumi

Introduction Tegumi is a pre-arranged fighting drill, in this exercise, we will be doing it from standing wrestling or grappling. Although each action is a stand alone Kyusho technique or application, with Tool, Target and Trajectory, we're going to take it in the...
Nerve Knockout

Nerve Knockout

Sean O'Malley vs Aljamain Sterling Today I'm going to go over a question that was posed in the Forum on by a Platinum Subscriber Danny. Now Danny was wondering and asking if I could detail or make a video about this bantamweight fight that was just between...
Is This Dim Mak

Is This Dim Mak

Yes and No They will of course say it is and it can be, however not as they are showing it. So what is it then, the way they present it is the same as we are presenting Kyusho, in a fully incapacitating affect, without the side affects (like killing someone) and...