by admin | Mar 18, 2016 | Protection
Tom Gallo Location: Floral Park, NY (USA) Certifying Instructor Level 3 Certification License to PL-1 KTCP - Certifying Instructor Kyusho-Jutsu Kokusai Shihankai 急所術国際師範會 - 3rd Degree Black Belt Email - Click Here Website - Click Here ...
by admin | Mar 16, 2016 | Health, Protection, Wellness
With Eggshells* Wednesdays Kyusho (Vital Point) for wellness. In life our old bones go through a lot and weaken over time. From out teeth to our vertebrae they loose strength and can become brittle. But there are several things you can do to maintain them to...
by admin | Mar 11, 2016 | Protection
Can they work? Excerpt from upcoming book; "Bubishi Explained, through Pangai-noon (半硬軟)". The Bubishi is a ancient compiled book by an unknown author or authors, consisting of a combination of body change methods of Tiger and Crane, much like the old Chinese...
by admin | Mar 9, 2016 | Health, Protection, Wellness
Not Revival Wednesdays Kyusho (Vital Point) for wellness. For those new to Kyusho there are two terms often confused as the same in meaning, but are in fact vastly different in reality. Revival and Restoration are two separate goals with one overall similarity...
by admin | Mar 4, 2016 | Protection, Science
Please Click the ad to open in new page, close it and watch the film... this will help to keep the YouTube project open for all, thank you! - EvanPantazi Better than CV-17? Excerpt from the Bubishi 36 Points film - Click Here to access the full 3 hours and...
by admin | Feb 29, 2016 | Protection
Close Quarter Kyusho In Kyusho training, people always start with the exploration of a target to see and feel the effects, this is a very basic level, but one many are stuck in. Some even advance to technique or bunkai (although somewhat better than static...