by admin | Aug 18, 2019 | People
Awarded November 3rd, 2019 One vote per registered member The voting begins now until October 1, 2019. 1. Mentor Award, top instructor that gets on the mat and leads by experience. Teaching openly with their heart and soul, in a clear understandable...
by admin | Jun 14, 2019 | Beginner, People, Training
Be in a Kyusho Video Did you ever want to be in a Kyusho video like the ones on, YouTube or Budo International? Well this is your Opportunity as we will be doing a public and private filming like the one pictured in the video above. There will be an...
by admin | Apr 26, 2019 | People, Science, Training
Seriously Now Let's face it, when we first started in Kyusho,we always tried to knock ourselves out to feel what it was like and to gain the skill. But it didn't work out so well, it just hurt and made you dizzy or nauseous. So why is it that...
by admin | Mar 29, 2019 | Beginner, People, Styles, Training
How to work the target Taking a soft cupped hand first place it where the base of the skull and neck meet. Rest the whole palm there with equal pressure... slowly withdraw the hand and quickly slap the same are with the whole palm uniformly toward the...
by admin | Mar 1, 2019 | Beginner, People, Styles, Training
Introducing "Chaining" Chaining is a new video process we developed for you to learn from all our great instructors. We will give you a target, fully illustrate the target, be it nerve, blood vessel or organ, show a demonstration of an application, then let our...
by admin | Dec 31, 2018 | People, Preparation, products, Styles, Training
We Custom Build a Kyusho Program for you Here is the offer, send us a video of yourself working a Kata, form or training sequence you would like to add Kyusho to. We will build a full program of: Tools Targets Techniques Tuite (Joint manipulations)...