Chaining the Occiptial Nerves

Chaining the Occiptial Nerves

  How to work the target Taking a soft cupped hand first place it where the base of the skull and neck meet.  Rest the whole palm there with equal pressure... slowly withdraw the hand and quickly slap the same are with the whole palm uniformly toward the...
Chaining Kyusho

Chaining Kyusho

Introducing "Chaining" Chaining is a new video process we developed for you to learn from all our great instructors. We will give you a target, fully illustrate the target, be it nerve, blood vessel or organ, show a demonstration of an application, then let our...
Sanchin & Kyusho

Sanchin & Kyusho

Sanchin & Kyusho for Health and Protection Sunday January  27, 2019 Salem Waterfront Hotel, Salem Massachusetts. For - Health, Wellness & Self Protection Instructors Chip Quimby (Uechi Ryu) and Evan Pantazi (Kyusho) will be helping you in an open course for...
Kyusho Intro Seminar

Kyusho Intro Seminar

    Knowing The Nerves All styles of Martial Arts can greatly be enhanced by working with the nerves as targets on the opponents. But we realize that it is a daunting task and there is so much to learn and so little time.  This should not dissuade you from...

Sanchin – Tensho – Seiunchin

  A Progression Old styles of Martial Arts had Katas that trained the body in levels of progression.  You were not allowed to learn a new Kata unless you had mastered the prior Kata.  With a style comprised of only one, two or three forms, this was still a life...
Sanchin to the Bone

Sanchin to the Bone

    And Beyond So what is it about Sanchin that makes it so coveted by so many styles of Karate as well as Gong Fu?  There are so many factors from Iron Shirt to Chi Gung to a complete fighting system.  But here is one part of Sanchin and Iron Shirt not...