Access Film - Click Here “Kyusho Self Protection” for Women (2nd level of escalation) Let’s face it the martial arts are filled with Women’s self-defense programs, which the name alone is a recipe for failure.  The term "Self Defense" has a negative connotation...


  Fist Method As we saw in the Karate post, the open hand of China has not widely survived in most Okinawan or Japanese (thus the rest of the world), martial arts Kata.  It seems as if the fist has won that round. The use of the fist could have been a development...

Multiple Point Attacks

  Paraphrased:  "One point causes pain, two cause pain to meet in the middle, three points causes a knock out, 4 stops a major organ from functioning and 5 will kill." Poppycock!   They also say you must hit them in a specific order or formula but this is...

Challenge 1

  Back at ya! On the older forums we had a very popular set of postings called challenges, were we challenged you to work with Kyusho in a focused way and all discuss the findings.  People from all experience levels and from all overthe world participated and we...

Fight or Flight

  Survival ... under extreme conditions or situations that manifest mostly depend on the individuals ability to respond correctly.  This stress response is called "Fight or Flight" response in which either your brain or your body responds. The basics of the...