
No Better Teacher Kyusho suffers from an over abundance of theoretical crappola, spewed by instructors so caught up in unrelated paradigms that it leaves little time to actually train well. In fact many standard points thought to be reliable targets are virtually...

Why an organization?

  Just Cuz... Everyone has had mixed feelings with Martial Arts organizations. And many rail that they are all out for money, control, power and or ego. And honestly some may well be, but there are always more sides to consider even in an organization. So lets...


  To Host a Special Kyusho Course Contact Us - Click Here Specialized Training Courses include; Motivational Development, Team Building, Physical Attribute Training, Skill Enhancement, Interpersonal  and Group Communication Skills, Instructional Skill...

Good and Bad

Kyusho Training is good and bad. I know you are anxious to know what's bad about Kyusho and personally I see nothing wrong, however it is a matter of perspective. First the good: Efficient - no strength, speed or endurance is needed, just good timing making it simple...

Brainwave Study

    Kyusho Brainwave Study Initiated in 2002, we sought to measure the affects of Kyusho on the working of the brain. Originally the goal was to validate that the "No Touch" KO was real, not simply hypnosis and how it actually affected the recipient, but in...