
Kyusho teaches Nai Han Chi - Nai Han Chi teaches how to use it.

"Karate is the greatest puzzle in the world"... and one of the bedrocks of the Karate world is Nai Han Chi Kata.

No one knows who created this Kata, but there are stories of it stemming from southern China from two styles; Southern Praying Mantis and Tam Tui... but in the scheme of things it will never be known for sure and it does not even matter.

This Kata in it's present form can accomplish anything you would want from any form.  It contains, Striking, Grappling, Leg Work, Joint Manipulations, Controls, Throws, Take-downs, Chi Gong, Iron Shirt and yes the secrets of Kyusho.

Striking - this Kata and it's various hand and arm positions and transitions are an incredible array of striking combinations and weapons, complete with forearm strikes, compression's and elbows (and not just the recognized elbow slap in the Shodan section).

Grappling - the Kata can used equally as well for standing grappled situations as it can for ground application.  For standing we see a solid base with twisting waist and array of hand and arm positions and transitions.  Now lay on the floor on your back and you will see the "Guard"position as well as other.  Turn over on your hands and knees to see the possibilities of the "Mount" position.  Now lay on your side to see "Side Mount" possibilities... then use any of these for leg locks, chokes, or any body work... even against the chain link fence of the cage.

Leg Work - Besides the strong base the transitions include leg trapping, wrapping, kicks, sweeps, knees, stomping, releasing, escaping and Chi Gerk (sticky legs, much like sticky hand drills).

Joint Manipulations - (Tuite), is hidden well within all the arm as well as leg postures and transitions, but not only these, there are chokes and neck, back, leg, ankle lock and manipulations that can inflict greater damage.  The entire Kata can be seen as  a tiger style of grasping and seizing, muscles, tendons, bones, joints etc., once the practitioner realizes through reverse engineering that the fisted position can also be used as the seize not just the fist.

Controls - The postures and transitions all can be used to control the opponent when the idea of push and pull simultaneously as well as lift and depress applications against the opponent... this in conjunction with the duck or slipping actions can make the control of the opponent easier as well.

Throws and Take-Downs - By using this solid base and it's transitions vast numbers of throws or take-downs can be deployed.  Whats more is that the rapid change of the direction embedded in the Kata's actions can unstabliize and redirect the balance of the opponent s swiftly and with no exerted strength that it can be very surprising to both attacker as well as defender. Add this action once the opponent is seized or locked and you can inflict serious damage.

Now what makes all of this work is Kyusho.

All of these and many more fighting applications can be far more efficient with far greater affect when Kyusho is applied.  However you should never integrate Kyusho into your Kata, as "when you work to put Kyusho into any particular style, it becomes restrained and bound to technique.  It must conform to the set technique or parameters you give it, as that is how you train yourself to work".  The far faster and better approach is to learn Kyusho in a stepped and logical approach, one point at a time.  When you learn a point, with the correct angle, depth of penetration and power needed to achieve the results, take each section of the Kata (all 3 sections) and see how you can get to that point using each.  Then work it with the above mentioned fighting situations with each piece of Kata and you have a life of study.  Multiply that by the number of points you learn over a given period and you have a complete style.

Kyusho opens all other paradigms involved in the Martial Arts as well,including healing and energy development... the Nai Han Chi involves these as well when the Kyusho is involved.

Chi Gong - The Nai Han Chi is an incredible Chi Gong or energy development tool, on par with exercises like Ba Duan Jin, Tai Chi, Ba Gua (as a matter of fact Nai Han Chi is almost exactly like Ba Gua but with closed hands as opposed to the palm change positions, but that is a book by itself).  By studying and working the Kyusho both in application and receiving, this opens the neurological pathways and allows the body to increase it's nuero efficiency ( not the opposite as most people suspect or believe).  The postures, the transitions all demand and transmit electrical signals to and from the spine, which with it's twisting actions develops more flexibility as well as neurological stimulation to in turn increase the transmissions to and from the brain.  So the sensory and motor nerves (along with autonomic function) is greatly increased and overall health along with it.  So what has that got to do with Martial applications?  Think not of magic chi fire springing forth from the "Master", but increased efficiency in motor function (physical movement) on such an efficient level it reaches reflex action speed (instant).

Iron Shirt - We all see Kata like Sanchin as Iron Shirt from it's muscle conditioning, but it is far beyond this simple analogy.  There are many ways the posture alone in Sanchin is not only more efficient for neurological transmissions and increased muscle dynamic, but also in the protective abilities.  This correlates with it's posture, spinal alignment, hour glass shape, footing, limb crossing and muscle position.  (for more on Iron Shirt - click here) .  The positioning of the body similar to Sanchin organizes the muscles, tendons and fascia in such a way that it shields the nerve and vascular tissues to a greater extent.  Add to this the Lifted leg, arm and leg crossings and other positionary aspects and yes Nai Han Chi also protects the body.  Sanchin is Nai Han Chi and Nai Han Chi is Sanchin

Please understand this is just a glimpse of Nai Han Chi and true understanding will take your participation on a regular basis with these topics. You can find it on your own or speed up the learning process with a qualified instructor.  Do not get trapped however in the technique based learning as it will stifle your growth as well as potential.  Let the Kata come to life with a living action based model and it will open up and teach you... this is the "Vital Point".


