Knockout on Command

Knockout on Command

GO... Besides the hundreds of related real life incidents, we have worked Kyusho knockouts in every possible scenario we could think of, from fighting, grappling, muti person, on stairs, in elevators, even underwater... yes you read that right. One very challenging...
Juji-Uke in the Clinch

Juji-Uke in the Clinch

Quick and Easy In the initiation of a clinch, especially against a larger and stronger opponent, Kyusho applications can give you instant advantage. In fact this is one of the easiest fighting or self defense ranges for the application of Kyusho. The affects will vary...
Striking With Sound

Striking With Sound

Striking With Sound Part 11 of the Advanced Kyusho Sound Projection Series As we have been through 10 prior levels of applying Sound Projection in various Martial Applications. These have been time and hands on tested and verified over 30 years, in fact the new...
Sanchin by Anthony Rotella

Sanchin by Anthony Rotella

A Kyusho Breakdown Several of the Shihans in Kyusho International pick a project of breaking down a Kata, many not in their own style. They perform the Kata, Breakdown self defensive applications, then work them into freestyle sparring. This is to help those that do...
Oyata Targets

Oyata Targets

Last Friday I released a disection of some Taika Oyata knockouts using Kyusho. The video was 14 Oyata Knockouts with the targets, tools and trajectories used to amazing affect. Now I realize that many people are not subscribers to my YouTube channel, or Platinum...
Ground With Sound

Ground With Sound

Advanced Kyusho Sound Projetcion 9 Welcome to the final section on Advanced Kyusho's Sound Projection series. In this seires we have taken you through a basic learning process to enable you to use Sound Projection in a host of Grappling and Throwing methods. There are...