
  Written for all professional Martial Artists. We all search for personal refinement and fulfillment, but more importantly we work tirelessly to help empower others.  We all strive to help them become more confident, fit, and proud.  We are constantly looking...


  Zhan Shi  ( 戰士 ) Mandarin for Warrior or Bushi  ( 武士 ) they were the scholars and warriors of ancient times. Kyusho as we all understand, means "Vital Point", but most get caught purely in the physical realm. There exists two ancient and...

Kata is Yoga

  Were Kata derived from Yoga? We need to ask what was the original impetus for the creation of Kata or Martial Arts forms... how did they evolve and then secondly what is the inner reason. Using reverse engineering or traveling back in time we can see that from...


  Global societal breakdown is not coming. We are living in it. There have been several blogs that contain vital points of this aspect in real confrontation… there is no one element (see there folks I use that word), that defines or prepares, it is a dynamic and...

All That!!!

  And More If you knew a target that was easily accessible, disrupted the internal body so much that it would affect the hearing, sight, thought, physical control and blood pressure as it caused severe dizziness, forgetfulness, numbed all sensory input and of...

Sanchin Entering

  Access Film Here Entering What value does this title hold for the average Kyusho practitioner that does not use this Kata (or even those not using Kata at all)... well it is profound.  It is getting the right weapon into (not onto) the correct anatomical target...