
Health and Wellness

“The Vital Point to internal energy development is first to realize what it is, it is not mythical or magical, it is a biological and universal reality.” – Evan Pantazi

Energy work or development has been around since early human development.  Ancient cultures developed methods to develop and attune themselves to not only the energy from natural sources such as the sun, but also emanating from the earth and the human body itself.   The ancient cultures not only were aware of these natural energies far more than modern man as they were not inundated with modern electronics and the numerous energy waves we have created.  These new waves have dulled our natural senses and are responsible for much of the stresses and illnesses we now endure.  But early man did not have these disturbances and thus able to feel as well as cultivate the body’s inert energy to attune with those in the natural word.

As written record is not as abundant from 11,000 years ago as it is today, much is lost to time, however what is clear is that some of these practices were drawn or carved in stone and revered in the ancient cultural artifacts.  Where it originated or began to be systematized for cultivation as well as education of future generations is not clear, but the earliest archaeological evidence of Yoga's existence were found in stone seals which depict figures in Yoga Poses dated around 3000 B.C., and the substantiated origin of this art.

So it is here we start with the Yogic Postures and their method of energy development, tracing through to ancient China and into the very fabric of the traditional Martial Arts we all know.  At first however we should relate this to the Martial Practices, specifically those that use forms or patterns of prearranged movement sequences as these were derived from the older postures of Yoga and untold other influences.  Within these postures and sequential movement from one to another lies the art of energy cultivation and flow, each with a specific reason and bio-electrical influence.  After working through several of the Yoga positions and explaining each posture, it’s energetic worth and benefit for the body, we can will then work into more modern Chinese energy developing exercise and into modern times where some lost information could be sewn together with a touch of quantum physics to bring us full circle into modern times.  It is then we will bring it into the Martial, Health and yes Intimacy Arts.

In all of these practices and art forms there are several keys from very simple to the more complex that are inherent and similar.  These keys are not limited to style because they are anatomical processes that allow you to more fully realize the energy that is already flowing through each individual in varying degrees. This energy is the electrical stimulation of the brain and nervous system as it correlates to the external vibrations or energetic manifestations all around us.

Kyusho has transformed our old perceptions and has given us deeper understanding and possibility via the coordinated study of the Arts with Anatomy and Science.  For example most Body Workers, Yoga or Martial Arts practitioners think of Chi, Ki or Prana when they hear the term energy.  Electricians, Mechanics and Engineers will have several other definitions or a reality for what energy is.  And taking it even further; Scientists, Physicists and Astronomers have yet another reality or variation of what energy is, its origin and how it moves or transfers from one location, object or form to another.

We must also must acknowledge or realize that one source or type of energy transferring into another form of energy (such as electricity converting into heat), creates yet another energy form (radiance).  This is true of any form or creation of it.  Yet all these energies, transferences, generations and conversions have a single root that is the essence and core of all universal existence. This singular essence is the Vital Point (Kyusho), of energy development for modern society.

And with modern technology we can now delineate and are documenting the power and potential within.


