France 2014

  What can you say about Paris that hasn't already been said.  Well how about Kyusho just experienced a great expansion in talented instructors. Lets start with the instructors that taught these instructors... The great guys of Thonon; Patrick LeGauffre (Le...

Controlled Pair

  Anything worth shooting, is worth shooting twice! This is a shooters terminology, but it also relates to Kyusho. Wikipedia: A double tap or controlled pair is a shooting technique where two well-aimed shots are fired at the same target with very little time in...


  The application of timing, is a vital component for Kyusho application and a reason many people struggle to get Kyusho to work for them. Kyusho is all about unbalancing the physiological functionality of an opponent.  So with that in mind we can not strike two...

Bubishi 1

When we look  at the Bubishi we must not look at the modern translations as they follow an incorrect paradigm.  Instead we must observe just the exact writings or diagrams that were original.  Then we must correlate it with other such ancient scrolls,...


  Zhan Shi  ( 戰士 ) Mandarin for Warrior or Bushi  ( 武士 ) they were the scholars and warriors of ancient times. Kyusho as we all understand, means "Vital Point", but most get caught purely in the physical realm. There exists two ancient and...