Ganchu Intro

Ganchu Intro

Ganchu is one of the "Vital Points of Chudan (Middle Row) and Spots to be attacked" contained and described in Hohan Sokens notes. It is a Fatal Target - "Causing stoppage of lung mechanism and breath and blood circulation". For many years it was supposed that the...
Interview with Voto Productions

Interview with Voto Productions

As we take a short break from the Hohan Soken project,this week we have an impromptu interview with Voto Studios, for use in their documentary "Exploring The Martial Arts". I sat down with Alex Rameirez to discuss many topics, (some controversial), on the Martial...


Vital Points of Chudan (Middle Row) and Spots to be attacked Wakikage:   Lower portion at the side of the chest between #5 & #6 Rib - Attack by Ken, Elbow and Geri Affects:  Fatal - Severe contusion to the lung and stimulation to the artery nerves.  Causing...


Hichu:   Windpipe - Attack by Ken, Elbow and Knee Pan Affects:  Fatal - Because of stoppage of breathing caused by the suppressed windpipe. As Martial Artists, we have all been taught the throat strike, with a "Tigers Mouth", "Leopard Paw",...


Vital Points of Jyodan (Upper Row) and Spots to be attacked Mikazuki:   Mikazuki means Chin - Attack by Ken, Feet and Elbow Affects:  Fainting- Because of nervous disorder caused by the concussion This is an excerpt from the Hohan...