Kyusho Charts

  Map to the inner being People always ask where they can find the best pressure point charts.... is it in the old texts, is it in the 3D models of the Bronze Man (women, children and animals now as well) or is it in more life like drawings. Charts are getting...

Uechi Ryu Seisan Archive

Uechi Ryu Seisan Kata (Circa 1997) SEISAN (十三) In Mandarin Chinese, the name translates into Thirteen and is the second of the three core katas.  Usually interpreted as "Thirteen modes of attack and defense" or "13 positions to attack/defend from" (with alternate...

Uechi Ryu Sanchin Archive

  Uechi Ryu Sanchin Kata (Circa 1997) I met Steve DiOrio in 1996 (3rd Dan in Uechi Ryu at that time) at a JuJitsu AMerica Gathering that I was presenting at. He wanted to know if I could give him a Kyusho explanation for a move from Uechi Seisan. From there we...

Cutting Edge Technology

Personal "Kyusho Cloud" A new advancement in your Kyusho Education: As the leading Kyusho Educational website, we want to thank all of our past and new readers alike during this Holiday Season. These days we are hard hit with people selling us everything under the...

KO Game

  Where are we heading? We are always in uncharted waters... with social unrest now escalating our responsibilities are increasing exponentially. The new KO Game is becoming a viral antic by mostly inner city teens and adolescents. Nothing is sacred anymore… as...