bench-626791_960_720Be Prepared.

We live in fairly calm social times, but it is heating up considerably.  We must become more aware and prepared for those less fortunate looking for what you may have... and what they need.

As people become more desperate for the basics in life, they will turn to desperate crime to secure them.  You need to know and trainingg for these eventualities.  However they do not need to be broken for their acts of survival, but you need protection with better control and security.

As each day passes it is becoming less and less "Unlikely" you will be attacked or approached... the time to consider this and plan is not during the situation, it must already become natural.

There is never a bad time to start except after an attack... so start really thinking or better yet, acting.

This film includes tactics that use the environment, body positioning and.... read more.

This film clip above is part of an hour long film placed on the subscription service at no extra charge - Click Here.




